Sunday, March 26, 2006

SXSW and Disneyland - there is a difference...

It's been almost two weeks since SXSW and once again it was an excellent show, mostly because of all the amazing people I got to meet and all the great things they are doing - not many boring people at SXSW... I have just got back from Disneyland where my two daughters had the time of their lives, and I had a lot of fun too, so it's been quite the month for exposure to media. Now I have to get back to working on my new book and get it finished by the end of April. Doesn't leave much time for blogging. Oh well, thanks for all the mail I got about the CSS presentation in Austin and Stylin' in general and I will write back back to everyone as soon as I can...


Drika Bruzza said...

I've been there too... Disneyland... That's a great place to laugh ;)
(Sorry about my bad bad english... :/)
My name is Drika, im Brazilian and working at Dell Inc. as Web Designer... all my experience before Dell was Graphic Design. Now we are migrating all content of our portal to Shapoint, and im getting mad with that GIGAcss... so, that's were i found you!
In the NetGLearning, i'm reading your book (Stylin with CSS), but im not sucessfully implementing yet =/
Well... that's it, congratz' about your books, about your travel, about your blog (i have one too...) and congratulations to me, 'cause April 19th is my birthday =D

;) bookmarked, see ya!

Juliette said...

You haven't blogged in a year! Are you still there?

I have your Stylin' With CSS, and I've been able to cut and paste the three column fluid layout. Problem is, I've been having the worst time trying to add a banner. I'm using Microsoft's Visual Web Designer. Any suggestions?