Thursday, January 26, 2006

Keeping it together

With a full time job, two kids, a book to write, another to edit for a second edition and a daily blizzard of email, sometimes the days go by too fast. Things that don't get always done include spending enough time with my beloved wife, girlfriend and best pal (yes, all the same person), writing music, helping the kids with homework and the XBox (my five year old can beat me most of the time anyway), and writing to people who write to me about my book, Stylin' with CSS.

The blog is here to give those readers a chance to contact me and perhaps each other, and let me rant about whever seems important on an as needed basis.


stylinchas said...

Ben - all the XHTML files are in a single download on the Stylin' site - click the nav link labelled "XHTML templates" and you will find all the main DOCTYPES are in there - post and let me know that works for you. I changed all the file references to Fig numbers right before the book as I was writing and a few of these references to the old files remained...

Bjarni- glad you are enjoying the book! Please any comments after you finsish the book - I am working on revisions for the next edition so I welcome you comments. Thanks for posting.

4css said...

Hi Charles!
LOVE the blog!

I know you covered this before with me but cant' seem to find the information.

source ordered 3 column layout. Image graphic to create the same size columns. Its not working.

I'll continue searching for the information that you sent to me, I hope I did not accidently delte it!

This time when I find it, it goes into my cheat book ;>)

Thanks agin for being that "missing link" in css for me. You are terrific!

4css said...

Hey! got it! If all else fails pull out your book ;>)

Just added the second content wrapper, and the image extender, only thing is I did it a bit different and it worked, only used the left graphic, and it extended all way down to the level of the content section.

Just a bit of playing with it. I added a border, but think I went a tad too large on the border, it doesn't match up with the nav section.

Once again, You are one of the greatest guru's of css. BigJohn and you are my two fav's ;>)!

stylinchas said...

John B,
Thanks for mentioning the correct location for the sample_xhtml file, and I have added this correction to the errata on the Stylin' site.

stylinchas said...

FYI and everyone else's - a reprint of Stylin' with hopefully all, but certainly a great many, of these errors fixed, is being printed right now and should be on Amazon and in bookstores soon...thanks for your positive comments about the book - glad it's helping you. Charles